Thursday, October 15, 2020

That Time I Wrote a Timely Piece About a Fly...

I'm not a news reporter or anything — but some stories are just worth breaking. And so without much fanfare or thinking I jotted out this bombshell for Medium in a day, not waiting around for a single editor to read, edit, or reject this piece for being unoriginal, rambling, or for burying my lead. NOPE, no sirree, I just had to post it—and so whether or not that was a mistake only you (assuming this glowing invitation is enough of a teaser), me, and possibly only RBG will ever know. Either way, BEHOLD a thing I wrote about the mounting supernatural mischief afoot in our current state of political affairs: 

"Thank you, ghost of RBG"

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

PUBLISHED: "The Pandemic Ruined My Poly Relationship—But Saved My Marriage"

My new piece, "The Pandemic Ruined My Poly Relationship—But Saved My Marriage," can now be found in the MEMOIR section of Narratively. Swoon! 

Of all the things I've written over the years this, by far, reigns as the most personal. And yet still, I'm tasked with the awkward duty of self-promotion. 

So while I'm at it, and since I'm allowed to complain and qualify and hem and haw on my own damn blog: I patently deny writing that essay blurb on Narratively's homepage — accompanied by a questionable title, and some biographically inaccurate illustrations — but, hey, if you can get over it, dear reader, then I probably can, too.

Now here's the part where I drop the link, run away, and hide forever....

Full story: