Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Sleight of hand

A passionate child, madly in love with an idea or object, who is also observant and fully dedicated to their cause, will be steadfast in their pursuit. Lying in wait they are catlike in their watching, waiting for the slip they know will come, alert to your movements and open to improvise. Patience—a virtue that is otherwise quite unfamiliar to your busy child—is, in this moment, not only possible, but a work of mastery. Should your language lapse, your attention break, your sleight of hand fail, this whiff of opportunity is like blood on the wind, a pile of meat on a platter you’ve served up for maximum, and persistent, exploitation. Nothing, not one thing, is as desirous to a lovesick child as a current infatuation—whether a steep staircase, an expensive guitar, or an unsupervised bowl of berries.

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